viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

The best vacations

Hi friends!
One of my best vacations was this summer 2019. I never thought I would meet so many people and beautiful places. It was incredible!  I had no plans to travel last summer, but with my friend Igancio we coordinated and went south together. One day before starting the trip a friend called me and tells me that she is also in the south along with her friends. So, with my friend, we decided to go to Lake Tagua Tagua, in the lake region, in this place were the beautiful people who were waiting for us. At first I thought that living with unknown people was going to be difficult, but it was not. mMking lunch, washing the crockery and took decisions to go somewhere else was not a problem. After living a week with these people, with my friend Ignacio we crossed walking the border between Chile-Argentina. It was fantastic! 
the best adventure companion I could have found, a trip full of happiness, nature and love.

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