jueves, 12 de abril de 2018

My biography

Hi! This is my first blog and my first post. My full name is Millaray Sol Salgado Alarcón. I'm twenty-two years old. I was born in Villarrica but now I live in Santiago because I studying in this city. During march to december I live in Santiago in the Lo Espejo district and at the summer I live in Villarrica with my parents and my brother.

When I was a little girl I went to Laura Vicuña primary school and then I went Humanidades high school. Both school are in Villarrica. When I finished the high school I had a sabbatical year, it was amazing. In this year I did a lot of things, I worked and I travelled in the Araucania region. I rode in a bycicle with my boyfriend and I knew many national parks. I thought seriously took another sabbatical year.

After this year I decided go to Santiago and I decided study Agriculture in the Agriculture Science Faculty at the University of Chile. This year is my fourth year here and I feel very happy because I feel comfortable at the university and at home.

  When I finish my career I like travel for latin-america and then I live again in the south of Chile.

5 comentarios:

  1. awww you love the sabbatical year! and i need one, can you tell me what do i do in this case? hahahaha also i love ride in a bicycle! Can you tell me where I should go to? some good parks? i will wait for you answer ! good luck

    1. we could ride to bicycle together. Well in Santiago you can go to the Mahuida park and also Chena hill. When you visit to me in the south we can go to Villarrica national park or any place, in general all places are very beautiful

  2. I love your post! it was so tender and funny jajaja. Also is great that you are happy here in Santiago :D and I want travel for latin-america too, we are going togethe!! jaja

    1. You are very very very funny too! I want travel with you to any place. I love you! (Read with "that" voice)

  3. i liked your post! How good that you feel comfortable in Santiago, I imagine that it must have been very difficult to adapt to the change of city (Villarrica-Santiago). Good luck in what's left of your career <3
