viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Climate Change

Hi bloggers! Today i will talk about climate change. The climate change is an alteration of the climate and this happen because the greenhouse gases increase and produce more heat. These gases are methane, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoro.
Some evidences of climate change are increase in CO2 concentration, melting glaciers, the glaciers and permafrost recede, rising sea level. The global temperature has increased around 0,6°C since 1990. The warming is different according to the area of ​​the planet, but in the last twenty-five years, almost all places have warmed up, while few places have cooled.
Climate change in Chile  has manifested itself in different ways: change in the type of climate throughout the territory, less snow in the mountains, less water availability for different uses at least to the south-central area and probably more frequent extreme events: droughts and floods.
What can we do to prevent global warming? We must reduce the consumption of electrical energy, limit the consumption of water, recycle glass, plastic,paper and cardboard.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018

My favourite photo

Hi! in this opportunity I present one of my favourite photos. this photography was taken in spring 2014 by my friend and professional photographer Fernando (You can visit his Facebook page: Martini Fotografía). In the picture several celebrity appear (from left to right): Leo, Gustavo, me, Raquel and Javier. I met Raquel that year. She came from Spain. She was in Exchange at the PUC (Pontificia Universidad Católica) the Villarrica. I met her because my friend Javier was her boyfriend.
This photo was taken on White beach, in the Villarrica lake. That year was my sabbatical year, so you Will understand that campfire, music and Friends were enought common. This was the way to end the week and start another full of energy and love.
I still remember that starry night and that wine that warmed our bodies (besides the fire of course). Without a doubt the best place and the best company.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018

The Immigrants

Hi bloggers, in this opportunity I want set out the next thematic: Immigrants in Chile. Clost to 75% of the immigrants come from Latin America from countrys as Perú, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia y Ecuador. The majority of immigrants concentrate in Metropolitan region. In addition to coming to Chile for work opportunity, some immigrants seek a better quality of life with their families and others come to perform professionality.

In Chile govern the immigration law since 1975, the oldest immigration law in Latin America. The current law considers migration as a threat from the point of view of the internal security of the state and not as an inclusion process. The current law hinders migrant'job search and encourages informal jobs. With the current regulations Chile is losing opportunities for innovation and undertaking.

Migration is important for the economic, social and cultural development of Chile. A regularized migrant is a contribution to the country, brings innovation and entrepreneurship.


jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

My favourite technology

Hi bloggers! Today I tell you about my cell phone. I have this device since february of this year. Before I had a basic cell phone, I only used it to call and send messages. Now, with my new cell-phone I'm very happy because I can use many applications for example in the summer I made a travell to the southern and austral zone of Chile and I can use the maps, GPS, an application about the wind and camera for take a picture. 

I love my cell phone, because it's small, it's has a good camera I can use it to play and listen to music. Also it's a very important for my student life, allows me to use microsoft office, U-cursos and I can make a presentations and I can work anywhere not just sitting at a desk.